Sunday, February 12, 2006

of scrooges and the gallows

Oh yeah, before I forget, that little incident with Ms. Pe which Christa mentioned on her Feb. 7 post? Oh that's nothing yet. I can sense that ol' scrooge was near-strangling me already. Put it this way, if she probably wasn't a teacher she would have thrown me out of the window long ago- seriously; that is, if she doesn't chop my head off first.
It all started when I was late for English class and Ms. Pe was asking for an explaination which I voluntarily gave her. Scroogers was absolutely suspicious of me from the start- with that raised eyebrow- the typical look that I get from her everytime I ask questions when she is in an utterly terrible mood in the middle of her lecture. She got really really fuming mad when she asked me a question and I was about to answer it- but stopped myself because I knew I would be toast when those words left my lips. But then she sensed my hesitation and urged me to go on. I actually warned her that she would probably kill me if I did tell her my thoughts, but she told me to spit it out anyway. So I did. And then *blam* I think she was trying to tell me that she was sending me to Ms. Tan (The Assistant Principal for Disciplinary Affairs) for uhm... cutting classes? Yeah, like searching for my lost watch was liable grounds for truancy. I mean c'mon, what is her problem? Does she actually think that I would run off to Alaska to live with the pengiuns? Its not like I love losing my stuff you know. A number of people have actually escaped the scrooge's wrath-and just my luck she finds the right time to get revenge on me for annoying her one time too many. Geez, people are out to get me, I'm sure of it.


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